Smiley facePanchakarma

Panchakarma is sanskrit word that means five karmas. Pancha refers to five and karma to procedures. Panchakarma treatment is known for the five main cleansing procedures advised by ayurveda. Offered ayurvedic panchakarma treatment is a process used to clean the body of toxic materials left by disease and poor nutrition. This panchakarma treatment Calicut strengthens the immune system, and restoring balance and well-being. The ayurvedic panchakarma treatment service is the process which corrects the essential balance of tridoshas in body.

Benefits: -
Gains strength, improves longevity of life, eliminates Vitiated doshas through the alimentary tract, Nourishes the body, Rejuvenates the body and Increases Immunity.

Panchakarma includes 5 types of treatments :

  • Vamana (Induced vomiting)
  • Virechana (Induced Purgation)
  • Vasti (medicated anema)
  • Nasya (Nasal medicine)
  • Rakta Moksha (Artificial blood letting)

Disclaimer: The complete effectiveness of our treatment methods cannot be guaranteed or vouchsafed as the medical condition of a person is a matter of utmost sensitivity which also hinges on numerous factors that are outside our control. The result of the treatment methods could vary from person to person.

Smiley faceAddress:

Jeevamrutham Heritage Ayurvedic Treatment Center
MB Complex, Kandamkulam Road
Calicut-673002, Kerala-India

Contact no: +91 99958 13860